How to Find Peace During the Holidays

By Chuck Fenwick

The holiday season is a time of celebration – and we look forward to this time of year for months!

But sometimes, it can all feel very overwhelming. 

We prepare, shop, decorate our homes, make baked goods, cook casseroles, and plan so many things in just a few weeks. 

But it’s possible to find peace during this time, too. You can have calm in the midst of all the chaos! 

Here are four ways you can find peace during the holiday stress.

Start By Doing Less

We always feel the pressure to say “yes” to every holiday event. From office holiday parties, multiple Friendsgiving’s, children’s holiday programs, and all of the family gatherings, you stay busy! 

But you have permission to say no. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to see any of these people. It just means that you’re setting healthy boundaries for your family in this season. 

You don’t have to go all out for everything. You get to prioritize what is most important and make it happen the way it works for your family. 

You have permission to do less this year. Do what is best for you!

Lower Your Expectations

Holiday parties and gatherings often put us in situations outside of our comfort zone. It’s okay to experience anxiety leading up to and during these events. 

It’s essential to manage your expectations realistically. Start by lowering your expectations. This is not a bad thing. Lowering your expectations is helpful and will allow you to find peace throughout the busiest season of the year. 

Allow yourself to accept that the family gathering won’t be perfect. The kids might have a meltdown (or multiple meltdowns). Your Christmas cookies might fall flat. The gift you ordered online last week might not make it on time. But you know what? It’s all okay. 

Being more realistic about this season will help you enjoy the people you are spending time with. Lowering your expectations will help you find the best in your current life situation.

Spend Less

Do not feel guilty about spending less! And this applies to both time and money. It may feel like just a little at a time, but it all adds up in the end. 

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on gifts for every single person. You don’t have to attend everything you’re invited to. You don’t even have to stay at a party for hours on end if that isn’t the best choice for you. 

You have permission to cut back without needing an excuse. You need to do what is right for you and your family. And there is not need to feel guilty.

Prioritize Rest

To be the best version of yourself you can be, you NEED rest! In America, it’s ‘normal’ to overwork ourselves. But that is stressful! You do not have to feel guilty about getting more sleep. 

You have permission to get intentional rest and get extra sleep. Make rest a priority this season. Rest and sleep are essential parts of finding calm during the chaos of the holiday season.

You’re Not Alone

I know you will conquer this holiday season. And I want to cheer you on! Send me a text and let me know how you are doing this week. You’ve got this.


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