Message Archives
Between the Lines
It’s Spring Training season. No, not for baseball. We’re training your lifestyle to merge your faith and your everyday choices.
Let’s dive in!
At the End of the Day
Everyone has their own opinion – especially when it comes to Christianity. There are so many rules and traditions and scriptures and different beliefs.
At the end of the day, what matters most?
System Reset
You know that feeling. The one where you try and try but just keep failing? Yeah, that one. Well, next time doesn’t have to be like last time! Let’s reshape your mindset. It’s time for a system reset.
Baggage Check
This is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year – but sometimes it can feel more draining than uplifting.
This is your year to start unpacking your holiday baggage and reclaim this season.
God Fails
Bad things happen – that’s part of life. But that’s why we are supposed to pray. So God can fix it – right? Well sometimes, God doesn’t fix it. So now what? Let’s find out what to do when God just…doesn’t.
Exchange Rate
We live in a culture that strives for excess. More money. More space. More things.
“More” typically doesn’t lead to good financial stewardship – which isn’t a phrase we typically use. But it’s all about living below your means. It’s simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
It’s back to school time! Some of the lessons learned in your early years are still valuable to your life today. Growing up makes everything harder. We’re diving into the timeless life lessons that benefit every age.
Behind the Scenes
It’s Vacation Bible School for adults! We’re digging into some of the core bible stories of our Christian faith. But more than just bible stories, these stories all have a central theme. The need for each other. We’ll learn to work together, build the kingdom together, and bring peace together.
Welcoming All
We have been given the ability to think and act for ourselves but it is our responsibility to be open to those around us. By opening our minds and our doors to the “outside world” we are behaving more and more like Jesus.
Together, we are a church with “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.”
What is a Christian? Technically, a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings. But we’ve drifted away from what Jesus came to do.
It started out simple. And we’ve complicated things along the way.
This doesn’t mean that Christianity has run it’s course. We just have to get back to our roots.
Head Games
Your mind is a powerful place — and sometimes it can feel like you’re not in control
You can get lost in your thoughts and end up feeling trapped. You’re constantly fighting battles that no one else can see
The topic of mental health is personal, and unique for everyone.
But one thing remains the same. You’re not alone.
The Jesus You Don't Know
Who is Jesus? You probably have a face in mind when you hear that name.
But is there evidence that Jesus actually walked the earth?
No other person has had a greater impact on history. Yet, Jesus remains an enigma. But what was Jesus all about?
And, more importantly — why is Jesus relevant today?
Missing It
The holidays can feel overwhelming. We move so quickly through all of the holiday obligations that we’re missing it.
This is your opportunity to slow down and find what you’re missing. It’s time to experience peace this holiday season.
The Next Minute
There are 60 minutes in one hour, 1,440 minutes in one day, and 525,600 minutes in one year.
How many minutes are in one lifetime?
One minute you’re here, and what happens next?
Living Strategically
Everyone has a set of values that guide the way they live. Some life goals, guiding principles, or even a personal motto.
Our staff at New Haven UMC has a set of values we use to guide our lives and we want to share those with you.
Let’s explore our team values and reflect on some ways to live strategically.
We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We have an opportunity to impact our community and it’s time we seize it.
Let’s take a look at our FORcast.
Let's Eat!
Each year, we host our annual Vacation Bible School for kids in our community. But the VBS stories aren't just for the kids, they're important for everyone!
So let's dig into a few bible stories the kids will be studying during VBS. Let's eat!
Getting Better
Being a Christian involves asking a lot of questions. And sometimes we all don't even agree on the answers.
Here are 8 frequently asked questions and a helpful perspective on some of the answers.
That's Questionable
Being a Christian involves asking a lot of questions. And sometimes we all don't even agree on the answers.
Here are 8 frequently asked questions and a helpful perspective on some of the answers.
Won't You Be My Neighbor
Life is busy. As we get older, our priorities shift and our calendars fill up quickly. But deep down, we still know there’s so much for us to learn.
We’re taking a look at how we can be a good neighbor. And we can’t be a good neighbor if we haven’t first taken care of ourselves.
Let’s see what we can learn about time from our old friend and neighbor, Mister Rogers.
Love Like That
We all love something and someone. But, the act of loving other people is an area where we can grow – and we all need growth in this area.
Jesus was the ultimate teacher in the subject of love. His love was radical. He loved extravagantly and recklessly. And if we were to imitate the way Jesus loved others, our world would experience a dramatic shift.
During the holiday season, we have a lot of expectations. What happens when those expectations are unmet?
We work so hard to make sure everything is absolutely perfect. But somehow, someway, something always ends up going wrong.
It might be something small, but it’s still significant. Is it really the most wonderful time of the year?
Attitude of Gratitude
Around the holidays, it’s easy to be thankful. But we want to extend this feeling of gratefulness into action.
Today, we are talking about gratitude. If we really want to understand gratitude, we should look no further than the master of gratitude – Jesus.
Jesus wasn’t just grateful, he embodied gratitude with every step he took.
We are going to look at the ways he demonstrated gratitude and how we can imitate these attributes in our own life.
For so long, the church has been known by what they are against.
We’re ready to change that. Instead, we want to be known by what we are FOR.
We want to be known for what we support, what we do for others and for how we are involved in the community.
We are FOR New Haven.