Easter at New Haven United Methodist Church

We are #forNewHaven

We are #forNewHaven

We’d love for you to celebrate throughout the Easter season with us this year! Here are the Easter events we are hosting at New Haven UMC in 2025.

Easter Fest 2025

Your family is invited to Easter Fest!

We are hosting a free Easter egg hunt for kids on Saturday, April 19th from 10:00-11:00am.

Remember to bring an Easter basket or bag so your kids can collect eggs filled with candy!

Cross Walk

Join us for a cross walk for this Easter season!

Each cross is a unique design made by local residents and are on display at 630 Lincoln Highway East.

Come enjoy a leisurely stroll down the walkway!

The display will be there through Easter

Good Friday Service

April 18th at 7 p.m.

All are welcome to attend our Good Friday worship service. This year intersperse songs and scriptures that walk us through Jesus’s final days & hours.

Come and experience Holy Week in a new way.

This service has more of a somber and serious feel compared to most Sunday worship services.

Easter Sunday Service

April 20th at 10:00 a.m.

Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with us on Easter Sunday! We are hosting our Easter worship service at our regular Sunday service time. We will sing songs and hear the Easter story together.