3 Bible Verses to Read When Your Life is Crazy

By Chuck Fenwick


How to Manage a Season of Busyness

Life gets crazy sometimes. From keeping up with your personal schedule, obligations at work, family activities, and everything else we cram into our calendars, it all becomes too much!

We weren’t meant to live from one calendar event to the next. You need some breathing room. 

So here are three bible verses to read when you feel too busy to function. 

Bookmark These Bible Verses for When Life Gets Busy

Phillippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Paul’s words in this verse from Phillippians are a good reminder to give your stress and anxieties to God. Is your life crazy busy right now? Yes. And Jesus wants to help relieve you from this overwhelming feeling. 

While it may feel impossible to add another thing into your schedule, consider incorporating prayer into your daily routine. You don’t have to journal your prayers for 45 minutes twice a day or make any major commitments. Start with 3 minutes. It can be in the morning as you’re starting your day, in the evening before bed, or anywhere in between. 

Take just a few minutes to pray to God about what you’re feeling. Pray for stability, clarity, calmness, and rest.

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 

This verse in Matthew gives the same feeling as the old idiom, “stop and smell the roses.” You’re busy and you don’t have time to slow down. It makes sense! 

But can you take a moment throughout each day to meditate and reflect on the small and beautiful parts of life? 

Try writing down your gratitudes during this season of life. Start with 2-3. You can write them in a gratitude journal, type them in your notes app, or speak them out loud during your morning commute. Find a process that works for you! 

Here’s a quick example of some daily gratitudes you may be thankful for:

  • An especially delicious cup of morning coffee

  • Sunshine 

  • Colors of the changing autumn leaves

  • Your favorite breakfast

  • The book you’re reading

  • An event or vacation coming up

  • Your kids’ laughter

  • Phone call or text from a friend

  • A movie you’re excited to see

You can be grateful for the tiniest of things because that is what makes life beautiful, right? Don’t forget to take a moment and appreciate the world around you – even if it is just for 120 seconds. 

Exodus 14:14

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Are you prioritizing rest in this season of busyness? Probably not. 

While it seems impossible to relax and rest throughout this season of life, it is necessary. 

And rest doesn’t have to mean sleeping or doing nothing. Think about what makes you feel most like yourself. 

Here are a few ideas. 

  • Starting your day with a walk, yoga, or other exercise

  • Listening to your favorite podcast or playlist

  • Reading a book before bed

  • Watching a few TikToks or Reels

  • Calling a friend or family member

Ultimately, only you know what makes you feel most like yourself. (whoa, that was a weird sentence, am I right?) But try and make it a goal to do one of the things from your list for 15 minutes a day this week. Is that too much for your schedule? Okay, try to fit in your thing twice this week. 

Whatever it is for you, prioritizing self care is important. It looks different for everyone, but God wants this for all of us. Take time for your mind and soul to be still this week in whatever way works for you. 

Prayer Makes an Impact

Prayer is powerful  – and you don’t have to pray alone! I want to pray for you and with you during these anxious moments. If you need prayer, we have a team that is ready to pray with you and connect with you. Send me a text and let me know how I can be praying for you today.


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