Waiting for Normal Again
Day 9
Matthew 1:22-25
All of this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the Prophet. “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel” when Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord commanded him to do and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate the marriage until she gave birth to her son. And he gave him the name of Jesus.
Waiting is hard, especially during the holiday season. In today’s society, we are used to getting things instantly. Maybe you are waiting for gifts to be delivered or for a website to load. No matter what you’re waiting for, good or bad, big or small, it can get frustrating fast.
The past few years have been weird. There’s been good, there’s been bad, and there have been lots of in-between.
I’ve been doing some reflecting lately. Last year, I was experiencing some loss about what I wanted my life to be. I was a senior in high school at this time last year. And I was just waiting for my high school experience to get back to what I wanted it to be. For it to be the normal, pre-COVID experience I was hoping for.
This year, I started college as a freshman. And I’m experiencing so many new things! Last year, I kept feeling this sense of longing for my high school life to get back to “normal.” But now, absolutely everything in my life is different.
I live somewhere new, I have a new job, and I attend a new school. And college is super different than high school was. I’ve started to create a new normal for my life.
All of that waiting lead to something really great. While I was waiting for everything to return to what I wanted it to be, the waiting evolved into something new entirely.
It’s always easier to see things differently from the other side. But the best part is about waiting is that you don’t have to do it alone.
Luckily I know someone who is right beside me while I struggle to figure out what living life is like. No matter how impatient or alone you may feel, I promise God is standing right beside you.
Father God, I pray you provide me patience when I’m tired of waiting. I pray you give me guidance to fulfill your will. I pray you help me to see how others feel in this confusing time. In your name, Amen.
I challenge you to write down times when you feel impatient. Write it out maybe even make a countdown. Look back at those, pray the prayer above and remember time is a gift.
By Becca Doreff