3 Tips for Talking to Others About God
By Chuck Fenwick
How to Talk to People About Jesus (without making it weird)
Your relationship with God is private and it can feel very vulnerable when sharing about it with other people. You don’t want to come off pushy and over-the-top, but you probably don’t want to stay quiet about it either. First of all, please know that you aren’t alone. So many of us feel the exact same way. It doesn’t make you a “bad” Christian if you don’t talk about God with everyone you know.
But, if you do want to start sharing about your faith, here are a few ways you can start that don’t feel too pushy.
Tell Your Story
Start by telling others about your experience. No matter how “boring” your story is, it’s relevant and it’s important. Share about how God has made an impact in your life. Talk about why you choose to follow Christ and live for him every day.
God is part of your life for a reason. Your story isn’t less “valuable” or “impactful” if you grew up going to church. That is YOUR life. And it’s real life. Being real with other people is the best way to make connections.
Personal stories and authenticity are relatable! Your story is important and worth sharing.
Invite Others to Church
If someone has never tried chocolate, what would you do? First of all, what?! Who hasn’t tried chocolate? But, you’d probably tell them all about how amazing chocolate is and why you love it so much. Then, you’d offer them a piece so they can experience it for themselves.
This is what it can look like when talking to others about God. It might seem crazy to you, but not everyone has been invited to church before. It doesn’t make you pushy or annoying to invite someone to join you some time.
Invite the people in your life to experience what a relationship with God looks like. Simply start by extending that invitation. Don’t force it or push it on them. If someone didn’t want to try the chocolate you wouldn’t force-feed them, right? (Side note: we highly advise against force-feeding people chocolate even though it’s delicious.)
If you don’t want to invite someone to a worship service, start with a fun church event! If they have kids, invite them to a family event your church is hosting. Maybe they’d like to join you for your small group game night or a cookout.
Show them what your faith experience looks like. We all want to connect with others and strive to be a little better each day. Demonstrate this to the people in your life!
Be Part of Their Journey
Don’t just invite them to come. Invite them to come with YOU.
It’s scary to start something new – especially as an adult. We discussed earlier that talking about our relationship with God is vulnerable for us. It’s especially vulnerable for someone attending a church or church event for the first time.
Be part of their faith experience. Come alongside them and show them what it looks like to have a relationship with God.
This is a great way to talk about your relationship with God. And you’ll do that through listening. Be there when your friend is struggling. Celebrate with them when something exciting happens! Help them out when they need it.
The best way to talk about your relationship with Jesus is through your actions. Be the person you needed when going through similar life situations. The opportunity to bring up God will come, just be patient and be part of their journey.
Bonus: Prepare for Them to Say Yes
This may sound like a given, but it’s not! You can share your story and invite others to church, but be prepared for them to show up. Be ready to help them develop a deeper relationship with God by walking on this journey with them.
You are an example of what it means to have a relationship with Jesus every day, whether you you’re trying to be or not. Choose to be an example of God through your daily actions and your words.
If you share your personal story and invite someone to an event with you, be ready for them to say yes. You can do this!
Keep me updated!
If you’d like to watch me break this down in a video, you can watch it here. And, if you talk to someone about your relationship with Jesus I’d love to hear from you! Send me a text and let me know what this experience was like for you.