7 Short Prayers for the New School Year

By Chuck Fenwick

It’s currently back-to-school season! The summer is winding down, pools are closing  up for the year, fall candles are back on the shelves, and the kids are back in school. 

You want to pray for your kids, their teachers, the school staff, and everyone else involved in the school systems, but you don’t know where to start? Here are seven short prayers you can use to pray over the school year amidst the hustle and bustle of a new season.

You may not need any of  these right now, but save this in a place you can easily access later. 

And remember this – prayer is simply communicating with God as you would with a friend. Don’t overthink it. You can do this!

For the Students

God, I want to pray for the kids heading back to school this year. I don’t know what they experienced this summer or what their home life is like, but I pray you are present for them. I pray you meet them where they are – emotionally, academically, and spiritually. I pray they feel loved by their teachers and classmates. I pray they are safe and cared for. I pray for all of the situations I don’t know and can’t understand. I pray the students grow and learn throughout the 2023-2024 school year.

For My Student

God, I want to pray for my child as they start the school year. I pray that I can support them in whatever way they need. I pray my child not only learns and grows academically, but I pray for the person they are becoming. I pray my child is kind to others, a good friend, and a respectful student. I pray for the friendships my child currently has and for the new friendships that will develop this year. Thank you for the person my child is today, and help me mold them into a healthy, strong, and loving adult.

For the Teachers

God, thank you so much for the teachers in our school system. They give so much to our students. Thank you for their selflessness, patience, and dedication to the kids in our community.  I pray for their school year. I pray for their mental, emotional, and physical health, because working with kids five days a week is hard work! I pray for their classrooms – that they are able to teach their students and connect with them well. And lastly, I pray they are able to develop a strong work-life balance.

For the Administrators & School Staff

God, thank you for the administrators and staff in our school system. They care so deeply about the success of students, teachers, and school facilities. Thank you for their dedication to this community and our schools. I pray for their mental, emotional, and physical health as they head into a new school year. I pray they are able to do their job well and continue to support one another throughout the school season. 

For Lunchtime

God, I want to pray over breakfast and lunchtime at school. Thank you for all of the staff that help prepare and serve food for our students. Thank you for the opportunity for the kids to have lunch provided to them so they are not hungry during the day. I also want to pray over the social interactions at lunchtime. This can be a hard time for some kids, so I pray they are nourished both by the meal and by the connections made during lunchtime!

For the Hard Times

God, I know that education is such a gift that we can give the kids in our community. But I know that going to school can be so hard sometimes. I pray for the students who are having a tough time at home, because I know that can carry over to school in their classroom behavior and ability to learn new concepts. Not every day is going to be a great one, and I pray for the students, teachers, and staff during the hard times.

For the Good Times

God, I pray this school year is a great one. I pray that the kids can learn and grow – both in the classroom and outside the classroom. I pray their friendships flourish and their social skills improve. I pray the teachers and staff have great days while at work. I pray for the school as a whole – that the good days outweigh the bad ones.

You’re Not Alone

We often underestimate the power of prayer. And you’re not alone! I want to pray for you and with you. If you need prayer, we have a team that is ready to pray with you and connect with you.  Send me a text and let me know how I can be praying for you today.


7 Short Prayers for When You Need Them


6 Bible Verses to Read When You’re at Work